El blog de Paleofuture es lo máximo, recogiendo todas aquellas representaciones y voluntades de configurar un futuro idealizado, algo así como la era Paleozoica del futuro, vista desde el Antropoceno. Ahora han lanzado su revista Paleofutre Magazine, cuyo primer número esta dedicado a la comida:
DateMonday, April 4, 2011 at 4:40PM
The first issue of Paleofuture Magazine is now available for purchase! The print version will set you back $11.99 and includes a free PDF download that looks great on your futuristic computing machine. Or you can download the PDF version alone for just $1.99.
Paleofuture Magazine's first issue is all about food, with 42 pages of articles, reviews, and rare images, most of which have never been seen before on the Paleofuture blog. Contributors include Bob Sassone, Josh Calder, Ryan V. Lower, Fábio Fernandes, and Mike Frodsham. Order your copy today!
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