PLACE OF REMEMBRANCE: Cultural center for the reconciliation of peruvian people, exhibition spaces, research center and auditorium
location: lima, peru
client: presidential commission for the place of memory - peruvian ministry of culture
design team: s. barclay – j.p. crousse
built surface: 4896 m2
project team: p. shimabukuro, r. aguirre, s. cilloniz, c. fernandez, e. zambrano
competition: 2010 – first prize
completion: 2013
opening to the public: 2015
fotographer: c. palma
oscar niemeyer prize - red de bienales de américa latina - quito 2016
hexágono de oro prize - 16th bienal de arquitectura del peru, huancayo 2014
mies crown hall americas prize - nominated project - iit, chicago 2014
cica award for latin-american architecture - international comitee of architectural critics - buenos aires 2013
premio bienal - américa latina - XIV bienal internacional de arquitectura de buenos aires, 2013
Published in: Arquitectura Viva 151 June 2017 / Summa+ 154 Dec.2016 / Casabella 844 Dec.2014 / PLOT special edition 3 2013 / AV Proyectos 040 2010

A presidential commission leaded by Nobel prized Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, launched in 2010 a national architecture competition for the construction of the Place of Memory, a place where people from diverse political an social origins work together to reach a possible reconciliation between Peruvian people, confronted by a bloody conflict initiated in 1980 by the terrorist movement Shining Path, counting more than 70000 dead in twenty years.

The jury was conformed by Kenneth Frampton, Rafael Moneo, Francesco dal Co, Wiley Ludeña and José G Bryce.

The project is carefully inserted into the dynamic of cliffs and ravines that ring the bay of Lima, merging with landscape by following the same territorial logic that characterizes its waterfront. By doing this, the building evokes memory in a much broader significance: the memory of landscape in its physical configuration and materiality, rather than dealing only with violence and political memory, which is the role of permanent exhibition.

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