14th international conference
Adaptive reuse: The modern movement towards the future
6-9 SEPTEMBER 2016
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lisbon, Portugal

Álvaro Siza, Juhani Pallasmaa [KN1]
9:00-10:00 Gonçalo Byrne · Joan Busquets · Josep Maria Montaner (mod.) [KN2] AUDITORIUM 2
10:00-10:10 BREAK
Outside In:
Landscape and Building
Marc Treib
Modern Housing and
the Aesthetics of Growth and Change
Dirk van den Heuvel, Nelson Mota
Conservation Planning for C20 Buildings
Catherine Croft
50 Years after the Second Vatican Council. Taking the Modern Church Into the 21th Century
Sven Sterken, Thomas Coomans, Luc Verpoest
Nordic Baltic Countries, Adaptive Reuse,Multifamily Housing Schemes
Ola Wedebrunn
12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
Urban Conservation, Modern Heritage and Public Policies: Towards a Sustainable Approach
Horacio Torrent
Reuse as Activism: Towards Hybrid Strategies of Curating and Preservation
Henrieta Moravcíková
Modern Healthcare Architecture: Obsolescence and Transformation
Renato Costa, Ana Amora, Claudio Galeno-Ibaceta, Daniela Arnaut
Marginal Landscapes
Jan Haenraets, Andrew Saniga
“Mapping Public Housing” in Portugal, the Contemporary Challenges of its Reuse
Rui Ramos, Marta Cruz
14:50-15:00 BREAK
Conservation and Reuse of Modern Movement Houses
Louise Noelle Gras
Between Theory and Practice in the Conservation of Modern Heritage
Andrea Canziani
Industrial Buildings and Areas as Zones of Transformation
Aino Niskanen
Balancing Material Selection Process with Conservation
Kyle Normandin
Asian Modernisms
Johannes Widodo, Shin Muramatsu
16:50-17:00 BREAK
17:00-18:00 Rem Koolhaas [KN3] MAIN AUDITORIUM
9:00-10:00 João Luís Carrilho da Graça · João Gomes da Silva · Rui Alexander (mod.) [KN4] AUDITORIUM 2
10:00-10:10 BREAK
Reinventing Modern Children’s Spaces and Places
Alexandra Alegre, Teresa Heitor, Sandra Marques Pereira
Education for Reuse
Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Carolina Quiroga, Uta Pottgiesser
Retrofitting the Modern: The Preservation of Post-war Social Housing Estates
Luis M. Lus, Lucía C. Pérez
Structures of the Modern Movement in the post-WWII, Post-colonial Societies
Jong Soung Kimm
Docomomo International of Tomorrow
Maristella Casciato, France Vanlaethem
12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00-14:50 council meeting. ROOM 1
14:50-15:00 BREAK
“A Mass of Tradition and Association”: Reviving and Reliving the Buildings of Brutalism
Inbal Gitler, Ruth Verde Zein
Exploring Issues of Adaptivity – Theory and Practice
Marieke Kuipers
Reuse and Valorisation of Modern Architecture in Small Towns: Images, Plans, Strategies
Emma Tagliacollo
The Modern Interior – Toward a Re-Evaluation in the Context of Adaptive Reuse
Zsuzsanna Borocz, Bárbara Coutinho
MoMoWo: Women and Modern Movement Heritage
Emília Garda, Caterina Franchini,
Helena Souto
16:50-17:00 BREAK
17:00-18:00 Lacaton & Vassal [KN5] MAIN AUDITORIUM
18:30-20:30 Launching of Angola Cinemas – Roundtable and Cocktail GARDEN OF THE GOETHE INSTITUT LISBOA
9:00-10:00 Winfried Brenne [KN6] AUDITORIUM 2
10:00-10:10 BREAK
Carlos Eduardo Comas
Revisiting African Modernism
Miles Glendinning, Ola Uduku
Innovative Construction Experiments
Tapani Mustonen
Architecture and Tourism: Rethinking Modern Leisurescapes
Susana Lobo, Macarena Cortés
Docomomo’s 25th+1 Anniversary, Time for Adaptive Re-thinking?
Hubert-Jan Henket, Stella Maris Casal
12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
Disruption and Continuity: The Challenge of Conversive Modernism
Panayotis Tournikiotis
Large Spaces into Specific Places: The Challenges of Converting Buildings for Cultural Uses
Timo Tuomi
Intagible Heritage and Re-design
Sara Stroux
The Modern Campus: Landscape Identity and Architectural Adaptation
Hannah Lewi,
Cameron Logan
EAHN: Links between History and Conservation of Housing Complexes
Gaia Caramellino, Filippo De Pieri
14:50-15:00 BREAK
15:00-17:00 Caruso St John [KN7]
What new challenges are there in the field of landscape conservation? What are the key questions related to modern authenticity in landscape? How did landscape frame the regionalist approach to Modern Movement and its preservation? Which techniques are available nowadays to document landscape? How can we increase awareness of the importance of landscape architecture in the renovation of Modern ensembles and neighbourhoods?
[S01] Marginal Landscape / Jan Haenraets (BE), Andrew Saniga (AU)
Are Modern Designed Landscapes, Cultural Landscapes?
Nicole Valois (CA)
Residual Landscapes: Reclaiming Hong Kong’s Lost Urban Spaces
Peter Ferretto (HK)
Reclamation Landscapes of the Venice Lagoon. The Urgency of Conservation and Reuse of the Rural Settlement of Le Trezze (Portegrandi)
Sara Di Resta (IT)
Marginal Structures: Bus Stops throughout the Former Soviet Landscape
Yanis Díaz (DE)
[S02] Outside In: Landscape and Building / Marc Treib (US)
Consideration of Time in Landscape and Building
Tiago Torres-Campos (UK)
Landscapes and Sanatorium: The Changing Role of the Natural Site in the Cure for Tuberculosis
Eva Eylers (UK)
The Fate of Landscape: Place and Architecture in the Works of Hannes Meyer
Raquel Franklin (MX)
The Creation of an Urban Landscape
Ana Tostões (PT), Aurora Carapinha (PT)
[S03] Architecture and Tourism: Rethinking Modern Leisurescapes / Susana Lobo (PT), Macarena Cortés (CL)
Architecture and Spirit: The Role of Tourist Resorts for Public Servants during Late Portuguese Colonialism
Ana Vaz Milheiro (PT)
Branding the Greek Vision for Tourism: The Xenia Network
Myrianthe Moussa (GR)
Ruins of Mass Tourism in Italy. A Conceptual and Functional Reinterpretation of Tourist Architectures of the 1950s and 1980s in the mid-Adriatic Landscape
Sara Cipolletti (IT)
Leisure-scapes and Conflict-scapes: The Famagusta Modern Coastline
Petros Phokaides (GR), Panayiota Pyla (CY)
How can we build innovative cities while preserving architectural heritage? Is it possible to find a balance between sustainable development and urban change? What response can we expect from the property development industry in a context of crisis? Where can we find successful strategies to fight against demolition? What can we learn from the past experiences of the Modern Movement that we can apply today in urban developments?
[S04] Reuse and Valorisation of Modern Architecture in Small Towns: Images, Plans, Strategies / Emma Tagliacollo (IT)
Motel Trogir Project: Protecting Croatia’s Post-WWII Architecture
Lidija Mićin (HR)
The Past and the Future of the Soviet Rural Architecture in Estonia
Laura Ingerpuu (EE)
Democratic Ideas in Concrete: Protection and Valorization of a Modernistic Building Environment in Norway
Kristian Reinfjord (NO)
The INA-Casa Housing Estate of Mario Ridolfi and Wolfgang Frankl in Cerignola: Analysis and Intervention Strategies
Raffaella Maddaluno (IT/PT)
[S05] Urban Conservation, Modern Heritage and Public Policies: Towards a Sustainable Approach / Horacio Torrent (CL)
A Change of Scale for Sustainable Interventions on Modern Heritage
Roberta Grignolo (IT)
Conservation of 1918-1939 Modern Neighbourhoods in Present-day Krakow
Maciej Motak (PL)
Borovo – from the City of Modern Architecture to the Listed Heritage as Historical Industrial Complex
Ines Ambruš (HR), Denis Ambruš (HR)
Tel Aviv's White City. 12 Years since UNESCO's Designation
Horacio Schwartz (IL), Raquel Rapaport (IL)
Modernist Gdynia. Challenges of Heritage-Based Development
Marek Stępa (PL), Robert Hirsch (PL)
Public Spaces
New attractions and activities are constantly being promoted in order to hold the interest of the public: how can we reconcile innovation with the preservation of recreational areas? How can we manage intervention in areas belonging to many different stakeholders? What are the chief present-day problems in public areas? How should we protect and improve modern urban space?
[S06] Reinventing Modern Children’s Spaces and Places / Alexandra Alegre (PT), Teresa Heitor (PT), Sandra Marques Pereira (consultant) (PT)
“Today’s Child is Tomorrow’s State”: Kibbutz Children’s House as Nursery for the Good Zionist Subject 1922–1948
Yael Allweil (IL)
35 Italian Schools to Save: the “Valdadige” Schools Designed by the Studio Architetti Valle
Paola Virgioli (IT)
Game, Function and Art: Children's Playground Artefacts in Post-war Czechoslovakia
Klára Brůhová (CZ)
From Playgrounds to Recreation Centres for People of All Ages: Alfred Trachsel and the Case of Zurich
Marco Di Nallo (CH)
[S07] Large Spaces into Specific Places: The Challenges of Converting Buildings for Cultural Uses / Timo Tuomi (FI)
Discussion on the Reuse of Industrial Heritage and Relics into Cultural Industry Clusters in China
Lian Hu (CH)
Improving the Quality of Urban Life through Culture-led Regeneration
Delaram Ashtari (IR)
Keeping Continuity of Identity in a Changing Society
Fumiko Ikemoto (JP)
Adaptive Reuse in Industrial Buildings – An Architectural Evaluation of Ankara's CerModern Art Gallery
Emre Dedekargınoğlu (TR)
From Bunker to Place of Art. The Adaptive Reuse of WWII Air Raid Shelters in Wrocław (Breslau)
Grazyna Hryncewicz-Lamber (PL)
Complexes are groups of ensembles of buildings that complement each other. As in a living being, when one of the organs has to be taken out, the body struggles to survive. Their sheer size and scale make the renovation of obsolete complexes a long and challenging task, but one with infinite possibilities. Which strategies have succeeded best in the renovation of complexes? Which elements can be removed and which can be added while still preserving unity?
[S08] Industrial Buildings and Areas as Zones of Transformation / Aino Niskanen (FI)
Converting Historical Industrial Complexes in European Cities: Best Practices
Heike Oevermann (DE)
Research on the Existing Condition of MHCMSP Modern and Contemporary Industrial Heritage Protection and Reutilization in China
Songsong Li (CN), Subin Xu (CN)
Modern Factories for the New Economy
Nina Rappaport (US)
Design with History: The Redevelopment of the Industrial Area Oostenburg
Wido Quist (NL), Sara Stroux (NL)
Prefabricated Industrial Architecture in Italy. Preservation versus Transformation
Francesca Albani (IT)
[S09] Conservation Planning for C20 Buildings / Catherine Croft (UK)
“Preserving the Ephemeral”: Capturing what Makes the Eames House Special through Conservation Planning
Susan MacDonald (US), Sheridan Burke (AU)
Conservation Plan and Restoration Work of the Ranzan Country Club Clubhouse
Mitsuru Hirai (JP), Ryohei Kumagai (JP), Sayu Yamaguchi (JP), Naoto Suyama (JP)
The Queensland Cultural Centre, Australia – The Listing of a Modernist Complex
Kristina Loschetter-Gibson (LU), Pascal Loschetter (UK)
Conservation and Regeneration Plan of a Former Industrial Complex in Rome
Alessandra Marin (IT)
[S10] The Modern Campus: Landscape Identity and Architectural Adaptation / Hannah Lewi (AU), Cameron Logan (AU)
US Public College Expansion & Development, 1933-76
Jon Buono (US)
Introducing a 3-Level Approach for the Identification and Analysis of Impacts on Modern Heritage Sites: The Case of the Campus of the Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas
Adriana Salas (CL), David Francis (UK)
University of São Paulo: A Campus and Modern Architecture
Mônica Camargo (BR)
Joining the Past with the Future. The Rescue and Adaptive Reuse of St Peter’s Seminary, Scotland
John Allan (UK)
[S11] Retrofitting the Modern: The Preservation of Post-war Social Housing Estates and their Adaptation to Contempor Edward Leung ary Environmental Standards / Luis M. Lus (ES), Lucía C. Pérez (ES)
Transforming to Preserve. An Inquiry into the Complexity of Heritage Values in Modern Social Housing: Hortaleza’s UVA, Madrid
Isabel Rodríguez Martín (ES), Guiomar Martín Domínguez (ES)
Regenerating Modern Housing in Denmark: Considering Sustainability and Energy Retrofitting in the Lifecycle of Social Housing Estates
Terri Peters (CA)
Brøndby Strand to Grønby Strand
Poul Sverril (DK)
[S12] Revisiting African Modernism / Miles Glendinning (UK), Ola Uduku (UK)
Visions through Innovation, André Ravéreau’s 10 km Plan for the Valley of M’Zab
Daniela Ruggeri (IT)
From Endurance to Resilience: Saurimo School Complex, Angola
Margarida Quintã (PT/CH)
The Right to the City. Lobito and Francisco Castro Rodrigues
Zara Ferreira (PT)
Early Ghanaian Architects
Kuukuwa Manful (GH)
Mediation in the Work of Revel Fox: Key Buildings Built Between 1955 and 1973
Mike Scurr (ZA)
What are the chief motivations that drive people to demolish modern buildings in each different country - and how can we combat these? How can we preserve character and memory in reuse projects? Are the increasing calls for the raising of environmental standards beneficial or harmful to heritage conservation? Which are the most effective new strategies to “design over a design”?
[S13] “A Mass of Tradition and Association”: Reviving and Reliving the Buildings of Brutalism / Inbal Gitler (IL), Ruth Verde Zein (BR)
William Morgan in Florida: Tropical Brutalism in the Age of Consensus
Jean-François Lejeune (US)
Sirius Towers: Surviving Redevelopment
Leigh Hanekom (AU)
Reliving and Reviving Brutalist Concrete Tower in Lithuania
Aušra Černauskienė (LT)
“Ape Rock” or an Icon of Brutalist Architecture in Germany?
Monika Motylinska (DE)
The Brutalist City: The Case of Kuwait’s New Souqs
Sara Soares (KW)
[S14] Conservation and Reuse of Modern Movement Houses / Louise Noelle Gras (MX)
“A House to Be Lived in, Not a Museum”. Reuse of a Protected Icon
Elisabeth Tostrup (NO)
Casa Zentner: Development of a Conservation Strategy
Giacinta Jean (CH), Roberta Martinis (CH), Davide Fornari (CH)
Between Tradition and Modernity: Design, Construction, Life and Conservation of a 1960s Portuguese House
Hugo Farias (PT)
Holiday Houses Reuse and Rehab of Modern Heritage
Tiago Freitas (PT)
Heritage@Risk – Adaptive Reuse of Pierre Jeanneret House – Chandigarh
Sangeeta Bagga (IN), Sathish Sethuraman (IN)
[S15] Modern Healthcare Architecture: Obsolescence and Transformation / Renato Costa (BR), Ana Amora (BR), Claudio Galeno-Ibaceta (CL), Daniela Arnaut (PT)
Conservative Surgery Method for the Reuse of a Modern Hospital in Yokosuka
Kenji Watanabe (JP), Waeovichian Abhichartvorapan (JP)
Case Study: Ernest Weissmann’s Hospital Buildings as a Neues Bauen Platform
Tamara Klarin (HR)
Obsolescence and Future of Paimio Sanatorium (1929–1933) by Alvar Aalto
Jonas Malmberg (FI)
Sicilian Sanatoriums of the 1930s. Knowing them to Preserve them
Tiziana Basiricò (IT)
From White Wall to Light Room: Transfiguration of Sanatoriums for Tuberculosis, between Cottinelli Telmo and Eduardo Souto de Moura
José Avelãs Nunes (PT)
[S16] Intangible Heritage and Re-Design / Sara Stroux (NL)
Seduction and Fantasy in the Conversion of Cinema Theatres
Joana Gouveia Alves (PT)
Unstitching Rex Trueform: A Short Biography of a Building from Clothing Factory to Call Centre
Ilze Wolff (ZA)
Changing Image. Different Ways to Face the Intangible Heritage of Modern Social Housing
Dorotea Ottaviani (UK)
Beyond Buildings Themselves: Rethinking Contemporary Architecture through the Preservation of Modern Architectural Ideas
Oren Ben Avraham (IL)
[S17] 50 Years after the Second Vatican Council. Taking the Modern Church into the 21st Century / Sven Sterken (BE), Thomas Coomans (BE), Luc Verpoest (respondent) (BE)
Modern Sacred Heritage in Barcelona. Balances and Future Challenges
Alba Arboix-Alió (ES), Cristina Fontanals (ES)
Resistance to Oppression – Case Study of the Hungarian Catholic Church Architecture 1945-1989
Erzsébet Urbán (HU), Zorán Vukoszávlyev (HU)
Exploring New Territories: The Shared Use of the Parkwijk Church in Turnhout
Eva Weyns (BE)
Senhora da Boavista, a Church by Agostinho Ricca for the 21st Century
João Marques (PT)
Use and Adaptation of the Experimental Space in the Divino Espírito Santo do Cerrado Church – Lina Bo Bardi, 1976
Ariel Lazzarin (BR)
Construction and Technology
What are the most up-to-date technologies that can improve living in modern buildings? Which are the latest technologies to conserve and restore the materiality of modern buildings? Within the decision-making process, how can we deal with “authoritative” changes? What are the most pertinent and recent case studies in modern architectural heritage restoration? Is it possible to avoid disastrous interventions?
[S18] Structures of the Modern Movement in the post-WWII, Post-colonial Societies / Jong Soung Kimm (KR)
Adaptive Reuse of Modern School Building in Post-Colonial Cyprus
Sevil Aydinlik (CY), Hıfsiye Pulhan (CY), Türkan Ulusu Uraz (CY)
Umaid Bhawan Palace: From a Temple-mountain Palace to a Palace Hotel Museum
Cláudia Porto (BR)
[S19] Balancing Material Selection Process with Conservation / Kyle Normandin (US)
How Choice of Material is Balanced between Notions of Authenticity and Technical Know-how
Søren Bak-Andersen (DK)
The Glass Walls of the Brazilian Palace of Congress
Bruna Lima (BR)
Conservation of Modern Architecture and the Adaptation of New Requirements
Giovanna Franco (IT), Stefano Musso (IT)
Passion for Tong Lau, the 20th Century Urban Vernacular Block of Hong Kong: Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of Tong Lau Ensemble in Mallory Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Edward Leung (HK)
[S20] Innovative Construction Experiments / Tapani Mustonen (FI)
Corrugated Iron – A Historical or Modern Material of the Building Envelope?
Seija Linnanmäki (FI)
“AL-Cast, a Revolutionary New Type of Architectural Material”: History and Conservation Issues
Giulia Marino (CH)
Rationalist Architecture in Romagna, Italy. Towards Better Preservation
Giulia Favaretto (IT), Marco Pretelli (IT), Leila Signorelli (IT)
Renovation of a House Designed by Emil Lange – Successes and Failures
Jadwiga Urbanik (PL)
A Study of the History of the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (Tokyo Festival Hall) through the Documentation Relating to the Renovations of its Facilities
Yoshiyuki Yamana (JP)
Interior Design and Furniture
When a building is reused, what happens to its furniture? Is it possible to conserve the concept of total work of art when a new use is imposed? Is the musealization of entire interior layouts a proper option? How can we reuse a building without destroying its character? How can one preserve modern interior designs and furnishings? How can we find a balance between the interior and its surroundings, the detail scale and the concept of global design?
[S21] The Modern Interior – Toward a Re-Evaluation in the Context of Adaptive Reuse / Zsuzsanna Böröcz (BE), Bárbara Coutinho (PT)
Adapting the Modern Interior: Variations on an Emphatic Approach
Bie Plevoets (BE), Saidja Heynickx (BE)
The Recognition of the Founding Values in the Modern Interior
Gioconda Cafiero (IT), Viviana Saitto (IT)
Nomadic or Sedentary: on the Reuse of Modernist Interiors
Sônia Marques (BR)
Lina Cubed: 3 Projects, 3 Different Spheres and Scales, 3 Different Stories
Marta Peixoto (BR)
How present-day concerns influence the historian enquiries to the past? Which theoretical matters are imperative today and why? Which buildings and sites have not yet been thoroughly studied? How the prominent architects of the Modern Movement were educated and which studying activities can we transpose to the future? Which is the role of education and acknowledgment nowadays in the preservation of modern heritage? What new insights can we arrive at concerning modern theories and history of architecture? What is still left to learn from the leading theorists of the 20th Century? What is the future of modern heritage conservation? Can we establish a network of experts to help to act in developing countries where the pressures of rapid growth impel the destruction of Modern Buildings? In the context of a new society substantially based on communication, what is the future of documentation?
[S22] Between Theory and Practice in the Conservation of Modern Heritage / Andrea Canziani (IT)
Local and Transnational: Modern European Housing Estates as Heritage
Katja Hasche (DE)
Good Heritage Action and the Possibilities for Reused Buildings
Cristina del Bosch (ES)
Integrity and Authenticity when Restoring and Reusing Modern Heritage
Miia Perkkiö (FI)
Beyond Materiality: Design as Heritage
Ana Pellegrini (BR)
[S23] CIAM Revisited / Carlos Eduardo Comas (BR)
The Athens Charter IΙ: A Dialectic Grid
Tilemachos Andrianopoulos (GR)
Bakema and Scharoun Revisited through Postwar CIAM
Mara Eskinazi (BR)
The Conservation of the Lijnbaan, Rotterdam
Lucas van Zuijlen (NL)
CIAM Urbanism Revisited. Modernist Mass Housing Estates in Spain: Best, Good, Standard, Poor (BGSP)
Javier Monclús (ES), Carmen Medina (ES)
On Circulation: Lina Bo and CIAM’s Fourth Function
Cláudia Cabral (BR)
[S24] Modern Housing and the Aesthetics of Growth and Change / Dirk van den Heuvel (NL), Nelson Mota (NL)
Which Second Life? Adaptive Reuse as a Contested Paradigm
Maren Harnack (DE), Jörg Stollmann (DE)
UJ Klarenstraat, Amsterdam: The Transformation of a 1950s Modern Housing Block
Patricia van Ulzen (NL)
Strategies for Adaptive Reuse: High-Density State Housing in Kuwait
Asseel Al-Ragam (KW)
Living a Manifesto: The Second Life of EDF’s Housing Towers in Ivry-sur-Seine (Atelier de Montrouge, 1963-67)
Catherine Blain (FR)
[S25] Education for Reuse / Gonçalo Canto Moniz (PT), Carolina Quiroga (AR), Uta Pottgiesser (DE)
Teaching Preservation: The Experience of the Laboratory of Techniques and Preservation of Modern Architecture, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2007-2016
Franz Graf (CH)
Training in the Conservation of Modern Architecture: A Latin American Experience
Fernando Moreira (BR)
Learning from Modern Heritage: Methodological Tools for Re-thinking Education in Conservation
Andrea Canziani (IT), Andrea Luciani (IT), Margherita Pedroni (MM)
Across Disciplinary and National Borders: A Pedagogical Tool for Reuse
Sandra Marques Pereira (PT), Jim Roche (IE)
Crossover of Generations: A Participatory Approach to Heritage Education and Reuse of Modern Heritage
Fang-Jay Rong (TW), Mingli Lee (TW)
[S26] Reuse as Activism: Towards Hybrid Strategies of Curation and Preservation of Modern Architectural Heritage / Henrieta Moravčíková (SK)
New Practice? On the Process of Preservation of Peter Behrens’s Synagogue in Žilina
Peter Szalay (SK)
Breaking Old Paradigms – the Case of Savin Sever’s Printing Shop Building in Ljubljana
Andrej Hrausky (SI)
Squatting the City: An Anarchistic Urban Development in the Former Massó Canning Factory
Eva Hierzer (AT)
Waking Up the Sleeping Districts: Excursion as a Hybrid Strategy
Indrė Ruseckaitė (LT)
[S27] Docomomo International of Tomorrow / Maristella Casciato (CA), France Vanlaethem (CA)
Docomomo and the Ongoing Machinist Tradition
Maximiano Atria (CL)
Roberto Segre (1934-2013): A Case Study on Docomomo and the Path of Modern Architectural History
Anat Falbel (BR), Gustavo Rocha-Peixoto (BR)
[S28] Exploring Issues of Adaptivity – Theory and Practice / Marieke Kuipers (NL)
Reform Follows Function? Reflections on the Reuse of Modern Buildings
Eduardo Fernandes (PT)
André Lurçat’s Karl-Marx School in Paris Suburbs: Restoration and Adaptation of a Major Landmark of the Modern Movement
Christiane Schmuckle-Mollard (FR)
Transforming an Icon on its own Terms: Repurposing Kahn’s Richards Building
David Fixler (US)
An Evolving Approach to Adaptation + Additions atop Melbourne’s Skyline
Alistair Ravenscroft (AU), Hannah Lewi (AU)
[S29] Disruption and Continuity: The Challenge of Conversive Modernism / Panayotis Tournikiotis (GR)
Continuity by Change – 3 Ways of Conversion in Modern Architecture. The Case of Gdynia
Maria Sołtysik (PL)
Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Resilience or Irreparable Loss?
Nilufer Yoney (TR), Burak Asiliskender (TR), Aysegul Özer (GR)
The Inohana Memorial Hall: Change and Continuity
Sumiko Ebara (JP)
The Cultura Artística Theatre: A Controversial Reconstruction
Paulo Bruna (BR)
Post-war Modernism in Helsinki City Centre: Heritage or Material for Reuse?
Johanna Björkman (FI)
[RT1] Nordic Baltic Countries, Adaptive Reuse, Multi Family Housing Schemes / Ola Wedebrunn (DK)
Timo Tuomi (FI)
Aino Niskanen (FI)
Tapani Mustonen (FI)
Ketil Kiran (NO)
Laura Ingerpuu (EE)
Søren Vadstrup (DK)
Søren Bak-Andersen (DK)
Poul Sverrild (DK)
[RT2] “Mapping Public Housing” in Portugal, the Contemporary Challenges of its Reuse / Rui Ramos (PT), Marta Cruz (PT)
Mapping Public Housing: A Critical Review of the State-Subsidised Residential Architecture in Portugal (1910-1974). Origin, Foundation and Structure of the Research Project
Rui Ramos (PT), Marta Cruz (PT)
The Square House Architecture. Finding a Story Between Model and Type
Eliseu Gonçalves (PT)
A History of Adaptation: The Three Stages of the Affordable Houses Programme
Sérgio Silva (PT)
Regional Architects Network: The Spread of Modernity by the Affordable Income Houses Programme (Economic Housing)
Maria Tavares (PT)
Affordable Housing and the Development of Modern City
Teresa Cálix (PT)
Final Debate
Raquel Paulino (PT), Tiago Mota Saraiva (PT)
[RT3] Asian Modernisms / Johannes Widodo (SG), Shin Muramatsu (JP)
Southeast Asian modernisms
Johannes Widodo (SG)
East Asian modernisms
Shin Muramatsu (JP)
Japan modernisms
Yoshiyuki Yamana (JP)
Macau modernisms
Rui Leao (MO)
[RT4] MoMoWo: Women and Modern Movement Heritage / Emília Garda (PT), Caterina Franchini (IT), Helena Souto (PT)
[RT5] Docomomo’s 25th+1 Anniversary, Time for Adaptive Re-thinking? / Hubert-Jan Henket, Stella Maris Casal
Towards the Future of MoMo and DoCo
Hubert-Jan Henket (ML)
MoMo towards the Future
Maija Kairamo (FI)
The Elephant in the docomomo Room
Allen Cunningham (UK)
Looking Forward?...!
Jorge Gazaneo (AR)
Protecting the Invisible
John Allan (UK)
Modern Movement: from Continous care to Artificial Breathing
Ruggero Tropeano (IT)
Preserving the Residental MoMo Houses and Develop them into House Museums (when necessary)?
Iveta Cerna (CZ)
[RT6] Exploring the Links between History and Conservation of Modernist Housing Complexes: a EAHN Roundtable / Gaia Caramellino (IT), Filippo De Pieri (IT)
Carmen Díez Medina (EINA - Universidad de Zaragoza)
Miles Glendinning (ESALA - University of Edinburgh)
Javier Monclús (EINA - Universidad de Zaragoza)
Dirk van den Heuvel (TU Delft)
Ana Vaz Milheiro (Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
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