Deadline for abstracts 18 Octobre 2015.

The Modern Healthcare Architecture: Obsolescence and Transformation
The Modern healthcare architecture is a program of modernity and innovation that informed the ideology of modern architecture. Due to spatial necessities and technological demands the transformation, deactivation or the demolish actions are a certainty. The Architecture preserving actions taken on behalf of Health Cultural Heritage are growing up in the last decades around the world, through entities and institutions that are concerned with preserving and protecting this type of architectural production. Worldwide movements are showing the importance of these actions to preserve this cultural heritage, mainly hospitals and sanatoriums. It is worth remembering that in Netherlands, with the imminent destruction of Zonnestraal sanatorium, an opportunity was offered to create docomomo International (docomomo Journal n. 27. June, 2002). In France, a recent movement tries to associate an asset value to sanatorial structures, mainly the ones built in the period between wars, with the purpose of preserving them (Cremnitzer, Jean-Bernard. Architecture et Santé. Les temps du sanatorium en France et Europe. Éditions A. et J. Picard, 2005).
The inventory realized by the International docomomo in 2011, Health and Modern Architecture, started with the intention: “to investigate the issue of health and how it is represented in the architecture of the Modern Movement, both in prevention and in care as well as cure” (docomomo ISC/REGISTERS: call for homework 2011 – HEALTH - mimeo). The argument of the theme´s choice drew the attention for “a broad variety of “medical oriented buildings” may be selected, going from hospitals to sanatoria and vacation colonies” (idem). The inventory methodology adopted for docomomo in 2011 proposed “comparative analysis”, having Paimio and Zonnestraal as highlights of Modern sanatorium buildings, giving “more national/regional background of the relations between health, hygiene and Modern Architecture” (idem). Despite this, Modern Health Architecture is not deeply studied and systematized. This session establishes as goals to recognize Modern healthcare buildings as modern typology that is yet to be understood in its role for Modern Movement ideals definition; to identify Modern healthcare buildings as subject of continuously space transformations and recognize it as paradigmatic buildings to discuss strategies of conservation and rehabilitation within Modern Movement ideology; and to identifying technology, form and expression knowledge as the basis of the intervention strategies definition.
As underlying issues the session aims to debate what is Modern healthcare architecture tolerance to change addressing identity and authenticity values and how can sustainability be assured beyond material boundaries considering political and environmental aspects.
As a list of potential themes that will particularly fit in the goals of the session we would like to propose:
The definition of the new programmes as a response to modern necessities, new therapeutics, and simultaneously as a contribution to the development of Modern Movement expression;
The role of healthcare buildings in the design of the city;
Spatial and functional transformations and adaptive re-use;
The specific technical solutions and materials as added values and the possibilities of adaptive re-use;
Spatial and functional transformations and re-use;
Reflections on legislation and regulation constraints.
Session Chairs: Renato da Gama-Rosa Costa, Heritage Department, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo cruz (FIOCRUZ), Ministry of Health, Brazil; Ana Amora, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Claudio Galeno-Ibaceta, Architecture School, Catholic University of North, Antofagasta, Chile; Daniela Arnaut Godinho Antunes, Assistent at Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal.
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